#093 Haunter

It’s time for the last ghost pokémon of the first generation! 

this little haunter is going to keep you up at night! 



I’m making all kinds of stuff at the moment, to sell at a pop-up stall in Lier (Belgium). I will upload some pictures soon! 




#008 Wartortle and the beginning of freedom

Hi there! 

So I finished (almost) my thesis today! I only need to prove-read it tomorrow and it then it will be send to make some copy’s. 

In all this work i still found some time to make a new pokémon: Wartortle. I haven’t seen many out there before, so i was curious what you think about him? His eyes where very difficult to make. 

So what now my thesis is done? I still have to present the work on the 27th of june, and after that: first a month vacation and then i’ll start looking for a job. And off course making a lot of new pokémon in between! 






I gave away this little gloom on my facebook page to celebrate my 2K likes! So thanks everyone 😀 

The tea cup cosy was made for a friend. I made one in pink and in mint-green. I really love the big button! 



For another friend a made a little Thor figure. I really love how he turned out! 



And finally, i found enough time to write down my very first pattern! 

You can make your own very cute vulpix with this pattern for only 3,5$ : 



So feel free to comment on my new creations! Love to hear from you! 




#072 Tentacool

#072 Tentacool

After tentacruel, this little follow couldn’t stay behind!
I’m all into the water-pokémon right now 😉

I’m still (very slowly) working on my patterns, but school is taking up most time these days. Only 1 more month and it’s finished 😀



#082 Magneton

Since I already made Magnemite, I made magneton right away because he’s basically  3 magneton’s sewn together 😉 

Some cool pokémon are coming up soon! 


And I finally found some time to take new pictures of myself with the magikarp hat 🙂 He has a slightly different color because the yarn selection of the shop isn’t always the same. 



And here is one final hat i made for a friend! You like it? Image


Voila! That’s what i’ve been up to this week. Let me know what you think about them! 




#073 Tentacruel

Here’s a new pokémon for you! 

Don’t you think he looks just evil? 



Have you visited my etsy shop yet? 


#081 Magnemite

Hi there! 

I’ve made a new pokemon: Magnemite! 


I’ve bought a new camera and wanted to try out some new styles to take my photo’s. Do you think it looks good with the white background? It’s only a pity that my white sheet wasn’t entirely flat so you can see the bumbs :p

I’ve haven’t got much time to work on the patterns because my thesis requires much time at the moment. 

But there is something else i’ve made today: 

A flower headband made from little flowers that came out of some fake-flower-pots. I had to first sew al the little petals together before i could glue them onto an old headband, but here is the result: 


(only 1 month left for my thesis to finish! And then i will have so much time to upload all new pokémon :p )



#013 Weedle



So, I made another bug pokémon: Weedle! 

He’s pretty easy, but has a lot of little parts (like all the pink feet) to put together! 

I’m thinking of writing down some of my more complex patterns and selling them for like 4$ or something like that. Would you be interested? and which pokémon would you prefer for me to write down? 


#137 Porygon (and something else)





I have thought a long time before i started with porygon. I still don’t know how to make him look more ‘edgy’ but he turned out all right! The pictures really don’t do him justice 😉 

And then another little project i’ve been working on: A little version of my boyfriend and me with our music instruments! We play together in the band ‘second son sam’ (a link: https://www.facebook.com/SecondSonSam?ref=hl). I think we look super cute! 


#048 Venonat



#048 Venonat

After all the excitement that i’ve been featured in Knitsy, it is time for a new pokémon!
This venonat started out as a simple purple ball, but i didn’t liked it that way because he wasn’t ‘fluffy’ enough. So i attached hairs to his whole body and came out with this!
His fangs are a little bit to big, but i think that’s cute 😉

Btw, I’ve been very busy promoting my facebook page and with huge results! i’ve now got 850 followers! Im so grateful for everyone who liked my page yet!

have you seen this theory about venonat and butterfree yet? I think this could be very true:




Free Crochet Pattern: Poliwhirl


Here it finally is! My free Poliwhirl pattern!

It’s completely free, BUT you’ll have to do something before you can get it!

All you need to do is follow this blog, and share this post on your wordpress or facebook.

Once you have done that you can find it here: https://pokemoncrochetchallenge.wordpress.com/2016/07/17/free-poliwhirl-pattern-part-2/


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